Hello there! I'm Luiz, a Brazilian programmer and a Master's student in Computer Science at the University of Sao Paulo (USP). Oh and I currently work at Amazon.
My interests are very diverse, and currently I focus mostly in pure/applied mathematics, computer graphics and game development.
I love to implement stuff from scratch, mostly in C and C++. I also sometimes do some scripting in Python and Lua.
I'm currently researching discrete differential geometry and its applications to computer graphics, together with my supervisor Sinai Robins.
Previously, I've done some research in pure mathematics. More specifically, together with my advisor Ivan Struchiner, we studied abstract homotopy theory via model categories. You can find my academic CV here.
Feel free to explore my blog and connect with me. I'm always eager to exchange some cool ideas.
- E-mail address: You can find my personal e-mail address in many of my source code files.
- GPG key fingerprint: 8BF8 8B44 D523 0D2A E962 90F9 B3BF 2347 CFC0 4ADF